How simplifying my wardrobe helped me simplify my calendar
Fiona Bywaters Fiona Bywaters

How simplifying my wardrobe helped me simplify my calendar

A simple wardrobe can be achieved by first asking some thoughtful questions. You’ve probably all heard the famous decluttering question, “Does it spark joy”, but in my opinion, it’s not a particularly helpful question when trying to declutter a wardrobe, especially if you happen to like eveything that’s in it.

Five things to consider before you declutter your wardrobe …

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Welcome to my Blog
Fiona Bywaters Fiona Bywaters

Welcome to my Blog

I have become interested in seeing how the art of Organisation, Simple Living and a personal Faith might intersect with each other. Join me here on the blog, as I explore what it might mean to pursue a simple life through the lenses of faith and organisation, in this fast paced modern world.

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