Welcome to my Blog

Welcome! I’m so thankful you have found yourself here.

My name is Fiona and I live in Sydney, Australia.

My business brings together two of the things that I love - organising spaces and serving people. So many people today are seeking to simplify their lives but often don’t know where to begin.

My passion is to help you declutter your spaces, and if you want to, go a step further - to get organised, and stay organised .

You may be thinking how or why would someone get so excited about tidying up? Let alone doing it for others? Well for me, it’s not all about looking Pinterest Perfect, but rather about functional organisation, and the benefits that can come from a simplified, organised life. It is also about helpling you understand that organisation is a journey and not a destination, and your organisational needs will change as you transition through each season of life.

My aim is to to help you discover how to bring calm out of chaos, no matter what phase of life you are in.

Seeking to live a simple life will involve decluttering and organising, both inside and out (but more on that in a future post).

Recently, I have become interested in seeing how the art of Organisation, Simple Living and a personal Faith might intersect with each other. Join me here on the blog, as I explore what it might mean to pursue a simple life through the lenses of faith and organisation, in this fast paced modern world.



How simplifying my wardrobe helped me simplify my calendar